Music Lessons

Chaia’s LearningPlay Music Studio

Music lessons with ChaiaWherever Chaia teaches — be it in her cozy Redwood City home, at clients homes, or outdoors — children make music, they enjoy music, and they understand music. Chaia’s warm personality enhances a child’s experience and promotes the development of a musical perspective. Chaia teaches guitar, piano, voice, and provides both individual and group lessons. Besides teaching in her charming studio, Chaia teaches at the homes of local clients. She provides private and semi-private lessons. Chaia also provides group classes for pre-schoolers, toddlers, and babies.

The Character of Chaia’s Lessons

Children learn to both play and love music. Here’s why.

  • Lesson experiences are warm, inviting, and fun
  • A supportive environment motivates both beginning and accomplished musicians
  • Regular recitals expose students to a rich spectrum of musical learning including good audience habits, performance experience in small groups, games to increase rhythm skills, music listening, and appreciation sessions. The workshops focus on a range of musical genres—from classical to pop, which students evaluate for different musical attributes, and lots more.
  • Lessons culminate in a yearly May student recital or online.
  • Children take away with them audio and video recordings of their lessons and performances—both cherished memories and a learning tool

Unique Student Needs

Chaia chooses materials and repertoire appropriate and enjoyable for child or parent. She has an extensive selection of resources in many musical genres including sheet music, songbooks, and CDs to appeal to a wide variety of needs and tastes. Chaia also offers prayer preparation for Jewish children. And she is pleased to teach a number of children with either high-functioning autism and/or learning differences. Chaia also offers bilingual lessons for Spanish-speaking children.

Music lessons with ChaiaChaia’s studio is well-equipped with instruments including Orff-Schulwerk Instrumentarium components. Her collection of hand and stick drums and many other percussion instruments as well as recorders and guitars plus a variety of colorful world instruments and props offer a myriad of options for young musicians. Electric and acoustic guitars are available in a variety of sizes.

Additional Information

Peaceful Practice
by Chaia May
Helping children realize all they truly have is time and love, and using piano to teach this. (Copies available upon request)

Making music makes children nicer: study
CTV News, September 7, 2013
Making music can make a young child nicer, more willing to help, and better at problem solving, a new study finds. Read the complete article.

“Thank you for opening up your home and hosting a very special first piano recital for DJ and our family. We are grateful for your work with these kids and appreciate your positive spirit.”

— Sarah

“We’ve been so thrilled with the music that you’ve brought back into the house. That guitar and singing never stops around here now. So fabulous.”
